i think?

i live in the middle. i'm not really sure about anything.

So I watched all six of the Star Wars films over the weekend. The prequels on Friday and the originals on Saturday. Now Im far from a Star Wars nerd or geek but I'm familiar with the story and I felt I had to watch all of them back to back to really wrap my head around what's going on. I plan on doing something similar with Back to the Future, Indiana Jones, Lord of the Rings, and The Godfather Trilogy in the near future. Matrix and Terminator can suck my balls.

Now I'm not one of the people to hate the Prequels but all the cartoony clone wars shit can obviously "suck my balls". George Lucas said it's mainly for children but I tried to get my elementary school brothers to watch the movies with me but they said "we got shit to do" but they didn't have shit to do because they're in elementary and elementary school children have no lives but as always I digress.

In Episode I Qui Gon Jinn who is a Jedi Master finds Anakin Skywalker aka Darth Vader when he is a little kid. Through "The Force" he says that Anakin is gonna bring balance to it because he is the chosen one. Let's just stop there and fast forward it to Episode III where (oh shit) he becomes Darth Vader and joins the dark side. In that episode he kills a bunch of kids and Im talking about preschool Jedi's and if they were maybe teenagers it would probably been justified as the teens would of probably said something slick and would been killed anyway and again I digress.

So let's hop to Episode IV which is about 20 years later where I'm sure Vader has racked up an impressive body count. Remember Darth Vader is still the one who's supposed to bring balance to the force. Luke helps him along the way but Vader is the "The Chosen One" not Luke or Leia. So in Episode IV he blows Leia's planet up with the death star. A FUCKING PLANET I'm talking about with people, bugs, and plant life. Vader just blew it away. I would of maybe gave him points if Darth Sidious was behind him or listening in on speakerphone or something but that wasn't the case he just blew it out of the sky because he felt like it.

Skipping to last episode of the series Episode VI at the very end when Sidious is microwaving Luke. Vader decides enough is enough and destroys Sidious and thus bringing balance to the force. Which really doesn't make sense, since you need a good and a bad side in order to have balance.

All in all Qui Gon Jinn was right. Anakin Skywalker restored balanced to the force after fucking disrupting it for about 20+ plus years.


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