i think?

i live in the middle. i'm not really sure about anything.

School ended and I don't know if passed or failed anything. Living in suspense until grades get posted next week.

I got two speeding tickets in less than a month. With the second police officer talking to me as if he was disappointed in me. (I think its because I drive a ex-police cruiser and you can clearly see East Precinct on the back bumper). I should of told him to "Put it on my tab" but he probably would've tasered my ass back to 1999.

I sent a certain message to someone from a certain platform because I kinda didn't see them where I thought I would. I think I'm kinda in the weirdo category now because I went out of my way to get this said "information" about this person but her English is kinda terrible. So who knows. *insert nervous laugh"

A couple years ago I found I out had another sister, about a month ago I met this sister, she's five. She graduates from kindergarten this month. And my pop's army grows.

One of my cousin's just got married and has a baby on the way another one of my cousins about to get divorced. All three of us are 21. I planned on getting married in my 30's after I had no more fight left in me. Am I doing it wrong?

I got rid of my crappy twin mattress and upgraded to queen. But I didn't want the box spring or rails. I'm laying 7 inches off the ground Benjamin Button style. ooooOOOOooooOoOOOwwwWWWwww!!!!!!!!.

And if you take a class with this girl you kinda been crushing on but when the teachers handing out essays and hers kinda gets stuck to yours and you eventually notice and start reading hers and all the magic rushes out because you have never seen something this poorly written in your life. smfh.

Passion and Cam'ron have two of the best albums of May right now, at least to me.

2 Weeks free and then my summer semester starts and then my list grows. wavy.


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