i think?

i live in the middle. i'm not really sure about anything.

I haven't felt school pressure in a while, even if its uncalled for pressure, like I get a assignment on Thursday and I don't go back to that class till Tuesday, thats like four straight nights I could've did it but I PROCRASTINATE like a MoFo and end up doing it Monday night which is like Tuesday morning in the 2:00 to 4: 00 AM territory. And as I'm getting more and more work I'm already starting to freak the fuck out and believe me I blame nobody for this DISPAIR feeling I'm getting, This is all me in my natural "Give me a deadline and watch me sit on the fucker till the last minute" state. I would say I should get my prorities straight but I have no other priorities but school. I think it could be that one word I only speak of in a whisper. laziness. But could it be, I mean......hmmm?


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